Limiting SOME users to one session, but not others

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Susan Smith
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Limiting SOME users to one session, but not others

Post by Susan Smith »

Hi all,

I have a customer who have users that need to be limited to one BR session because they keep launching new sessions from the desktop shortcut without checking their taskbar first for running copies. I am currently addressing this is in my menu program because it's the first thing to load when they click the desktop shortcut. It checks for the login_name$(s) in question and if session$(3:3)>"1", it "SYS"s them out of that session.

This is working fine except that they keep adding more users to this list and I hate to handle this inside of a menu program that I also use for other clients. I'd prefer to keep it "clean" and not client-specific. What if I use BRCONFIG.SYS to assign a specific WSID to a user and limit the number of sessions and let BR handle it from there? Is that the best way?

My intent (see the following) is to have "Diane" and "Bob" be limited to one session, but not the others. I realize I could have separate include files for each user, but I don't want to do that at this point, preferring to have only one file to keep updated.


-- Susan
Susan Smith
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Post by Susan Smith »

Please ignore my previous message. I realize that my logic was wrong since WSID=UNIQUE would simply allow the user to get ANOTHER WSID in addition to the one he already had in use. I will control the sessions in my menu program after all.

I would have simply deleted my original message, but since some of you get RSS feeds, you would have seen the original anyway, which would be confusing.

So please ignore. I will handle it a different way.

-- Susan
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Post by bluesfannoz »

Your logic here would have worked Susan?
As long as you had the following:

@diane WSID 5

In that Order, on the second attempt Susan would get a box saying 5 is already in use by diane.

You can test this on your own machine not logged in as diane by creating a shortcut to run BR with the a line similar to the following for the target.

C:\br\br32.exe @diane "run program"

That will execute br as the user Diane


Susan Smith wrote:Please ignore my previous message. I realize that my logic was wrong since WSID=UNIQUE would simply allow the user to get ANOTHER WSID in addition to the one he already had in use. I will control the sessions in my menu program after all.

I would have simply deleted my original message, but since some of you get RSS feeds, you would have seen the original anyway, which would be confusing.

So please ignore. I will handle it a different way.

-- Susan
Steve Koger
Computer Specialist
Susan Smith
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Post by Susan Smith »


Are you using this method? I really like the idea, but I can't get it to work. It simply loads another session with the same WSID/different session #, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

With this in my BRCONFIG.SYS:

@diane WSID 5

The first time, session$="051"
The second time, session$="052"
The third time, session$="053"

What I ended up doing instead was based on a solution from Mikhail, where my menu program (the first program to load) checks the login_name$ and the session$ and if session$(3:3)>"1" it exits BR right away before displaying the menu. I would have liked your idea better because then BR doesn't fully launch on those subsequent sessions, but it just didn't work that way. If it is working for you, let me know.

-- Susan
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Post by bluesfannoz »

No Susan I am not using this specific thing. But I am doing things similar.
What I suggested above works on my machine running 4.18i, could be the version your running. You do have to be sure the @username is matching exactly or you could be fighting the wrong thing. That is where my execute.sys thing I describe here has helped me find users that weren't matching because the couldn't get in, unless I had them in the execute.sys.

If you use this method all you have to put in the shortcut, is to run wb32.exe or br32.exe. You don't want to include a run statement or it will override this.

We actually use an included file called execute.sys

In it is the following:

@diane execute run daily
@joe execute proc daily.prc

Then in the wbconfig.sys/brconfig.sys I have the following at the very bottom

include execute.sys
execute sys

That way if they are not in the execute.sys then it exits them from BR immediately.

Susan Smith wrote:Steve,

Are you using this method? I really like the idea, but I can't get it to work. It simply loads another session with the same WSID/different session #, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

With this in my BRCONFIG.SYS:

@diane WSID 5

The first time, session$="051"
The second time, session$="052"
The third time, session$="053"

What I ended up doing instead was based on a solution from Mikhail, where my menu program (the first program to load) checks the login_name$ and the session$ and if session$(3:3)>"1" it exits BR right away before displaying the menu. I would have liked your idea better because then BR doesn't fully launch on those subsequent sessions, but it just didn't work that way. If it is working for you, let me know.

-- Susan
Steve Koger
Computer Specialist
Posts: 358
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Post by gordon »

"WSID=UNIQUE" should suppress additional sessions. Try doing a STATUS CONFIG to see what Diane is ending up with.
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