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Registration forms are coming in very slowly!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:50 pm
by Susan Smith
Hey guys,

It's getting down to the wire. Please get those registration forms in. There are only a handful of you who have done it so far. Here is the list:


If your name is not here, you probably TOLD me that you were coming, but didn't actually send your form in. I'm expecting a lot more forms to arrive this week! (yes?) If you are already a paid BRG member, all you have to do is Email the form to me. If haven't paid your 2010 dues yet, you need to get this in the mail soon. The deadline is March 29th and I will be calling the hotel the very next day to nail down the meals and other arrangements. If there are any snags that you need to tell me about, Email me off list.

If you have family coming and they would like to join us for lunch, Email me off list so I can let you know how that works.

If you need a form and can't find them, holler and I'll Email them to you personally.

-- Susan