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compiled form statements and libraries

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 12:09 pm
by gordon
Be aware that compiled FORM statements that reference variables do so by pointing to the relative dictionary entry, not the name of the variable. This means that when I use CFORM to compile a FORM statement and that FORM statement points to a variable for a length or decimal position specification, then that compiled FORM may point to an altogether different variable in a library, or could even point beyond the dictionary in the library, possibly destabilizing BR.

e.g. 1000 Let QTY_FORM$= CFORM$("FORM C 10, V 20, BH 4.QTY_DEC, BH 3")
where QTY_DEC holds the number of decimal positions in inventory quantities. Let's postulate that QTY_DEC is the fifth dictionary entry.

If QTY_FORM$ is passed to a library, the reference to QTY_DEC would point to the fifth dictionary entry in the library which typically would not correlate with QTY_DEC.

The work around to this would be to begin both the calling program and the library with DIM QTY_DEC and recompile both programs. This would compile QTY_DEC as the first dictionary entry in both programs.