Go Step with Extended Function Key Processing

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Go Step with Extended Function Key Processing

Post by John »

On our wiki

http://brwiki.ads.net/index.php?title=G ... processing

Shift+F1 through Shift+F4 (formerly Ctrl+F1 through Ctrl+F4) describe some *power stepping* techniques.

I can't see that these work any differently in step mode than Enter. I don't see that they step over or into anything. line nor clause.

for that matter - could we please define the word "clause" as it relates to BR!

I'm really confused about this BR! "Feature" - could someone - anyone - please shed a little light on the subject?
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Post by Gabriel »

They work for me... Take a close look at the current line number as you're pressing the f-keys.

You have multiple clauses in one line when you use the !: or : characters to combine more then one command into a single statement. You can use the Shift-F1 and Shift-F2 keys to execute your line just one piece at a time which can be helpful for debugging.

Shift-F3 and Shift-F4 run a line at a time, like the "Enter" key does.

If your line calls a function and you don't want to watch it execute the function you can use the Shift-F2 and Shift-F4 keys to run the line or clause and any functions it might call. This can quickly speed up using Step Mode when debugging past large functions that you know are working.

The default is Shift-F3 - execute the current line and step through any functions it calls as well.

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Post by John »

Thank you very much Gabriel!
Kevin Klappstein
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Post by Kevin Klappstein »

Keep in mind that clauses are not quite that simple though. For instance an 'if...then' statement is comprised of 2 clauses even though it is one line. To see where the clauses are in your code you can use the "list clause" command which will proceed each clause with a single quote. I believe "list clause" is only in 4.18 and up though.
Kevin Klappstein
Western Canadian Software
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Post by GomezL »

I was always confused about how that works. What I wanted was to go through the existing function, and pop back on the next "Main Line". I Still this is pretty good!

Does anyone know what the My-Edit equivalent to Shift-F4 is?
Susan Smith
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Post by Susan Smith »

In the MyEdit Debugger (which I believe is only activated if you have a paid license - Ryan, correct me?) you have:

Step Into Next LINE (F7)
Processes up to the next line number encountered
Step Into Next CLAUSE (Shift/F7)
Processes only the next clause
Step Over Current LINE (F8)
Processes the next line and all routines called by it
Step Over Current CLAUSE (Ctrl/F8)
Processes the next clause and all routines called by it

This is in section 8.6 of the MyEdit manual. The section is called "Stepping Into/Over"

-- Susan

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Post by GomezL »

After reading your post, I looked at the BR Debugger Menu, and sure enough, F8 & Ctrl-F8 are both on the menu.

My Edit provides a "VCR" with several buttons, but the Step over Current Line/Clause are not part of it. I went ahead and added the Step Over buttons to the VCR.
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Post by gordon »

corrected mappings-

The Debugger IS available in the free version. However, conditional breakpoints aren't and neither are several other worthwhile features.

I make the following changes to MyEditBR when I install it:

* Evaluate/ Modify -> Ctrl + F10
* Step Into Clause -> Ctrl + F7
* Synchronize Cursor -> Ctrl + F5

That produces a debug menu that consists of unenhanced function keys and Control- function keys. Then I don't have to remember whether I'm using the Shift or Control keys (easier to remember). The final legend is:
  • *Evaluate/Modify -> Ctrl-F10
    *Issue Command -> Ctrl-F12
    *Synchronize Cursor -> Ctrl-F5

    *Run Program -> F9 (I use the VCR for this)
    *Run to Cursor Bar -> F4

    *Step Into Line -> F7
    *Step Into Clause -> Ctrl-F7
    *Step Over Line -> F8
    *Step Over Clause -> Ctrl-F8
Just remember the letter C is associated with both Control and Clause.

I Use the mouse to set and clear breakpoints and to run and terminate processing.

I prefer fkeys to the VCR for stepping because the VCR notation is not intuitive to me.

I also don't like the term Step Over because it is not technically correct, but I haven't come up with a better term.
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