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Thanks to All Involved!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:55 am
by bluesfannoz
I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to All involved in making another wonderful Conference!

I believe everyone as always came away with lots of invaluable information and exciting new things to try! Time spent with other BR programmers is irreplaceable!

Special thanks goes to Susan for making all the wonderful books and planning the event!

Also I would like to thank all the presenters, George, John, David, Kevin, Gabriel, Luis, and Gordon for your work to help others!

To those who didn't come! Be sure to plan to make it to next years Conference, which was decided to be in San Antonio!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:06 am
by Susan Smith
Thanks to you as well, Steve, our Business Rules Group president! I agree - it was a great conference! The funny thing for me is that since I make the conference books and get to be the first to see what will be presented, I assume that I already know all about what will happen and what I will learn. It NEVER works that way! I ALWAYS come home with a long list of hints and "I didn't know you could do that!"s and better ways to make my own mousetraps. In addition, the inspiration from seeing what everybody else is doing is invaluable. It's a shot in the arm that you just can't put a price on.

None of us went to Business Rules School, so what we know is largely what we figured out on our own. So when you get to these conferences, you realize that other people figured out DIFFERENT things than you did, and you came up with ideas that they did not. You put all that together in the same room, along with quite a bit of thinking outside the box, and the magic happens.

My hat goes off to all of the wonderful presenters who give so much time to inspire, educate and mentor us. I'm profoundly grateful.

I have a long list of things to try that I never even guessed when making the conference books. It goes to show you that you really DO have to be there! I hope to see all of you next spring at the Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX for our next conference on April 26-28, 2012. More details will follow when we get them nailed down. But put it on your calendar now - you don't want to miss it :)

-- Susan