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2012 BRG Conference - calling all presenters!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:05 pm
by Susan Smith

Planning for the 2012 Business Rules Group conference is underway! If you would like to share (present) at the conference - either in a big way or a small way - it's time to let us know. EMAIL ME.

If you would like to participate, but aren't ready for a full-blown presentation, that's okay. We allow space at our conferences for "Nifty Neato" time. (I think George Tisdale first coined that phrase, no?) This is where people can briefly show off cool things that they've done, a new way to do an old task, an attractive screenshot, an open source utility they like, report on some Operating System bug to watch out for, handy hints, or pretty much anything else that could be of interest to your fellow developers. I really look forward to this part of the conference! These are short segments (a few minutes) and not full presentation time slots. If you have something to share in this context, it helps to know that while we're planning the conference so we allow enough time. This is YOUR conference!

If you are not interested in presenting, but you have a specific topic that you are interested in, speak up! We may be able to pull it off for you if we know far enough in advance (like REALLY soon...). Again, this conference is for YOU.

Some of you volunteered a while back to show off your stuff at this conference. I will be reminding you, and checking in to see if we're still on track.

So keep those thoughts coming, PLEASE. Honestly, putting conferences together is a hard job and it's so much easier when we all contribute, either by volunteering to speak OR by being vocal about what we'd like to see (or both!)

-- Susan