Via a KEYBOARD statement if translates CTRL-A into CTRL-AGO CTRL_C<Return> So if you have a Subroutine labeled CTRL_C in your running program it executes that code.
They prompted with a *** [RETURN] for Main Menu *** message. You can press a lower case 'i' and it will take you to command prompt. You could add a password if you want. We chose not too.
Code: Select all
00010 Dim CHN$*50
00030 Execute "Config KEYBOARD 0001,00010067006F0020004300540052004C005F0043000D" ! cntrl - a sends go ctrl_c to command prompt
00050 Print NEWPAGE
00070 RPTR: Print Fields "10,1,C": "Example of our CTRL-A Capture routine:"
00090 Print Fields "12,1,C": "You can press a lower case 'i' when prompted to Return for Main Menu and it will pause the program"
00110 Input Fields "15,1,C": A$
00130 Goto RPTR
00150 CTRL_C: Let CHN$="ctrlacap" : Print CHR$(7); ! change to program you want
00170 If KST1>2 Then Goto P_GO
00190 Let KST1=KST1+1
00210 Print #WIN, Fields "24,1,C,N/W:T": BL$
00230 Print #WIN, Fields "24,6,C,R": " *** [RETURN] for Main Menu *** "
00250 Let KST$=KSTAT$(1)
00270 Let KST=ORD(KST$) : If KST=13 Then Chain CHN$
00290 If KST<>105 AND KST<>73 AND KST<>9 Then Goto CTRL_C
00310 Print Fields "22,1,C" : "You are allowed command prompt access" : Pause
00330 ERR_T1: !
00350 P_GO: Print #WIN, Fields "24,1,C,N/W:T": BL$
00370 Print #WIN, Fields "24,6,C,N/W:T;24,11,C,R": "Type "," GO "
00390 Print #WIN, Fields "24,16,C,N/W:T": "to Return to Main Menu"
00410 I_GO: Input #WIN, Fields "24,40,C 2,S:T[Y]": GZ$ : Let GZ$=UPRC$(GZ$)
00430 If GZ$(1:1)="G" Then Chain CHN$
00450 Goto I_GO