Fast Track 1.1
BR is an object oriented programming language, with the goal of quickly creating customized business software that is efficient, powerful, and easy to use.
The basic command, print, will print anything back onto your console (hit enter after typing each line).
PRINT 10 +6 PRINT “Here we go!” PRINT variable$ PRINT NumericExpression
LET will set the value of a variable. Non-numeric, or string variables, always end in $, and the assigned data must always have quotes around it.
LET string$=”Print it all.”
PRINT string$
will return
Print it all.
That's a string, or non-numeric variable. A numeric variable NUMVAR
Let numvar=10 Let numvar2=20 Print numvar+numvar2
will return
Print environmental variables:
PRINT version$
will return the version of BR that you are using.
Write a classic program:
10 print “hello world” RUN
will run your program.
SAVE hello
will save your program, naming it "hello". </noinclude