Fast Track 1.1
The basic command, print, will print anything back onto your console (hit enter after typing each line).
PRINT 10 +6 PRINT “Here we go!” PRINT variable$ PRINT NumericExpression
LET will set the value of a variable. Non-numeric, or string variables, always end in $, and the assigned data must always have quotes around it.
LET string$=”Print it all.”
PRINT string$
will return
Print it all.
That's a string, or non-numeric variable. A numeric variable NUMVAR
Let numvar=10 Let numvar2=20 Print numvar+numvar2
will return
Print environmental variables:
PRINT version$
will return the version of BR that you are using.
Write a classic program:
10 print “hello world”
will run your program.
SAVE hello
will save your program, naming it "hello".