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The CURCOL internal function returns cursor column from the last INPUT FIELDS or RINPUT FIELDS statement.

One exception is when the most recent field processed is a 2D control. When FIELDS processing ends and control is returned to the program while the 'current' control is of type LIST or GRID, CURROW and CURCOL are set to the current cell row and column within the 2D control instead of the character position relative to the window.

Comments and Examples

00100 DIM ALL$*1920
00110 INPUT FIELDS "1,1,c 1920,u": ALL$
00120 PRINT "Cursor ended on ROW"; CURROW
00130 PRINT "Cursor ended on COLUMN"; CURCOL
00140 PRINT "Cursor ended on FIELD"; CURFLD

In the sample program above, the entire screen is treated as one 1920-character input field. The operator can move the cursor to any of the 24 rows or any of the 80 columns. After the operator hits the <ENTER> key, line 120 will print the row number containing the cursor when input was ended. Also, line 130 will print the column number. Line 140 will print field 1 because there is only one large field in this example.

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