Summary of Commands
Here Business Rules! commands are organized into logical groups.
The Start-up Command
Start-up Command Launches a session of BR.
Directory Management Commands
- ChDir (CH or CD)
Displays or changes the current default directory.
- Dir (DI)
Provides a listing of the contents of the specified directory.
- MkDir (MK)
Creates a subdirectory on a specified disk.
- RmDir (RM)
Removes a subdirectory.
Editing Commands
- Auto (AU)
Automatically generates program line numbers for program entry.
The Break command causes the program to go into step mode when a variable value changes, or the specified line number is encountered.
- Clear (CL)
Deletes a program and data from memory and/or closes any active procedure files.
- Del (DE)
Deletes one or more lines from a program.
The Display command shows the value of individual variable(s) or all variables, after any changes, plus the line number associated with the change(s)
- List (LIS)
Displays some or all lines of the program currently in memory; optionally searches for and replaces a specified string with a new string.
- Merge (ME)
Takes lines of code from a specified program and adds them to the program currently in memory.
- Renum (RENU)
Moves and/or renumbers program lines.
- Edit (ED)
Modifies a program in a third party Editor.
Executive Commands
- Config (CON)
Causes new configuration file specifications to override those in the BRConfig.sys file.
- System (SY)
Exits Business Rules and either returns control to the disk operating system or performs an operating system command and reenters Business Rules
Facility Commands
Creates or recreates an index file.
Begins execution of the SORT control file.
File Management Commands
- Copy (COP)
Copies one or more files at one location and places them in another location.
- Drop (DR)
Empties the contents of one or more files.
- Free (FR)
Deletes one or more files from the system.
- Protect (PROT)
Reserves a full path name for the exclusive use of a workstation.
- Rename (REN)
Renames or moves one or more files.
- Type (TY)
Sends the contents of a specified file to the screen, a printer, or another file.
Procedure Commands
- Alert (AL)
Stops execution within a procedure file so that the operator may attend to the printer, change disks, or perform some other action.
Opens and begins execution of a procedure file.
Indicates the appropriate way to handle an error in an active procedure file.
- Skip (SK)
Causes execution to skip a specified number of procedure lines or to skip to a specified label.
- SubProc (SU)
Runs one procedure from within another procedure.
Program Management Commands
Resumes execution of a program or procedure file after execution has been paused.
- Load (LO)
Loads a file from disk to memory.
- Replace (REP)
Replaces the contents of a specified file with the program lines currently in memory.
- Run (RU)
Begins execution of a file.
- Save (SA)
Stores a program in memory under a new file name.
Terminates an interrupted program and closes all open files.
Information Commands
- ChDir (CH or CD)
Displays or changes the current default directory.
- Date (DA)
Sets or returns the system date.
- Dir (DI)
Provides a listing of the contents of the specified directory.
- Status (ST)
Provides current information about the system.
- Time (TI)
Sets the system clock or returns the current setting.
- Verify (V)
Checks to see that the system correctly recorded a disk's data.